Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba, is a country strategically located in the northern Caribbean at the confluence of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. The Republic of Cuba is 42,800 sq. miles and the official language is Spanish. The island is notably the largest island in the Caribbean and is also the second-most populous (Hispaniola is first) with over 11 million inhabitants.
Cuba is known for its state-controlled and planned economy. It is equally known for its unique culture and intriguing history, including the captivating architecture and the heritage cars seen throughout Havana. A trip to the capital city of Havana provides visitors a time traveling experience as they observe the traditional architecture and old cars. Cuba’s income relies heavily on agricultural exports. With a steady increase in cruises and other travel services creating routes into the country, there is now a steady flow of visitor arrivals.
Filing Requirements
- Local filing available. Validity period – 10 yrs from filing date.
- Master AOAs signed by proprietor and notarized.
- Declaration for Priority, signed by proprietor and notarized.
- Priority filing accepted.
- Only original documents will be accepted.
- Classification system – International Classification System
- Multi-class applications are allowed.
Madrid Protocol
- Cuba is a party to the Madrid Protocol.